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Lady Massage Gel

Relaxing massage gel (lubricating gel to stimulate mood For ladies)

One more product in the market that is not yet sold (in Thailand is Durex Durex Intense Orgasmic), so this market It is still a very open market. It also has various customer groups.

  • Customers who have problems of the nature of the person

  • Specialized customers

  • Customers who want to enhance their personal aesthetic

  • Etc.

Soft and gentle lubricant gel products Improves efficiency Quick response Provides a warm feeling, stimulates the mood. With a feeling of cold flashes Enhances latent touch response Allowing you to experience and desire like never before.

Substances used in formulas

  1. Allantoin
    Is one of the Comfrey flower extract is one of the substances that stimulates the rapid proliferation of cells. It has special properties in repairing tissues completely, reducing inflammation of the wound. Prevents allergic itchy skin. Help retain water to nourish the skin. Reduces irritation (anti-irritating) reduces allergic reactions and has the ability to inhibit bacteria as well.

  2. Organic Glycerin (Organic Glycerin)
    Glycerin, we use organic grade. Moisturizer To protect the skin from drying out and absorb moisture when exposed to air, which makes the skin feel moisturized. Gentle on the skin Safe for the skin
    Is a non-toxic substance Get attention and Apply for medical benefits by using as a lubricant in some procedures such as rectal examination, applied to prevent skin dryness, to maintain moisture to the skin, can be applied to the lips to prevent dry lips. And gives you a warm feeling when you touch the massage

  3. Peppermint Flakes (Menthol)
    Gives a feeling of cold With a cool and refreshing scent

It can also flavor and add other substances as required by the customer.

Price per kilogram 550 - 750 baht Price depends on the quantity and extract used.

MOQ starts from 20 kg.

The example shown in the picture contains 30 ml, price per piece, 28 baht for 10,000 pieces

Prices do not include packaging costs, excluding production costs.

Formulated by Aqua Goal Laboratories

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